Terms & Conditions of Hire/Service
The Service Provider agrees the following:
- To provide a KESHA ENTERPRISES Home Alarm Unit and a 24 hour-a-day, 365 days per year monitoring service.
- To take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Equipment is programmed in such a way that its activation in an emergency will enable the Client to contact KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre.
- To respond to an alarm call by taking what we deem to be the appropriate action. This may include calling the Client's nominated contacts, their doctor or, in extreme circumstances, the emergency services and this may result in a forced entry.
- To service and repair the KESHA ENTERPRISES equipment within 48 hours of a critical fault being reported or within 96 hours of a non-critical fault being reported, unless the fault is the result of damage or misuse by the Client. A critical fault is defined as one in which if the equipment failed it could result in the call not being received at the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre potentially resulting in a life critical situation not being reported.
- If the equipment has to be removed for repair we will provide a similar alternative at no extra charge. Please note that if the equipment requires replacement or repair due to accidental or deliberate damage and misuse by the Client, a charge will be levied for a replacement KESHA ENTERPRISES unit.
- To comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and any subsequent data protection laws or regulations including the General Data Protection Regulations.
- To reserve the right to subcontract part or all of its services, if required, the Client will be notified in writing one month prior to the change taking effect.
The Client and/or the person(s) making payment agrees the following:
- To have the equipment installed to enable connection to the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre.
- To keep the equipment connected to the telephone line and electric power at all times.
- To use the equipment in a proper manner, to take all reasonable precautions to keep the equipment safe and not cause damage to the equipment by deliberate or negligent misuse.
- To ensure they have sufficient funds in their account to cover the monthly direct debit amount. Failure to pay the charge within 28 days of the due date will lead to the removal of the equipment, discontinuance of the service and possible Court action.
- To be responsible for the payment of all electricity and telephone charges incurred by the equipment at the Client's address. It is advised that the Client insures the equipment against loss or damage.
- To authorise KESHA ENTERPRISES Centre operators to overrule the Client's wishes if upon receipt of an alarm call the operator is sufficiently concerned for the health, safety and well-being of the Client. In such circumstances the operator will inform the Client of the action they are taking and always apply the following priorities: preserve or maintain life, preserve or maintain wellbeing or preserve property.
- To ensure nominated responders or key holders are fully informed of any access information such as the location of the key safe and the entry code.
- To provide KESHA ENTERPRISES with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of their Doctor, nominated responders/key holders and also any information concerning the Client that he/she may consider useful should an emergency arise.
- To provide KESHA ENTERPRISES with their telephone provider and update KESHA ENTERPRISES with any changes to their provider.
- To notify the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre of any change of address and any other relevant change in circumstances affecting the provision of the service and to surrender the equipment where appropriate.
- To inform the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre if the Client is going to be absent from the premises for a period of time, such as a hospital stay or holiday etc., and inform the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre of their return.
- To carry out regular test calls to check the equipment, at least once a month. This is to ensure the unit and the sensors are in good working order and likely to work if the Client presses the button to summon help in an emergency.
- To report any loss or damage of the KESHA ENTERPRISES unit to the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre and to compensate the Service Provider for any such loss or damage.
- To report any faults or defects on the KESHA ENTERPRISES equipment to the KESHA ENTERPRISES Control Centre immediately and ensure that only the appointed agent of the Service Provider carries out repairs.
- To allow the Service Provider access at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting, repairing and recovering KESHA ENTERPRISES equipment.
- Not to sell, charge, pledge or part with possession of the alarm equipment but at all times keep the equipment at the property unless written permission is obtained from the Service Provider to move it elsewhere.
- To ensure that the equipment does not become a party to legal process.
- The Client and/or the person making payment must understand that this Agreement is specific to the Client and not transferable.
- Has the right to complain, compliment or comment on the service provided - either in writing, by phoning our office or via our website keshaenterprise.com.
The client or the person making payment agrees to pay the Service Provider the Rental and Monitoring Charge plus any charges arising under the Contract as stated on our website www.keshaenterprise.com.
The Service Provider reserves the right to review charges from time to time and the Client or person making payment will be notified in writing of any change.
Termination of Agreement
This Agreement can be terminated by either party by giving 28 days' notice in writing.
At the end of the Agreement the equipment must be returned in good working order to KESHA ENTERPRISES. Failure to do so will incur a cost for the unit and pendant.
In the event of this Agreement being terminated by the Client, the Service Provider shall only be liable to repay such money equivalent to the charge made in respect of the remaining full month(s) paid by the Client.
The Service Provider will use its best endeavours to provide the Client with the service. However, the Service Provider will not be liable for any loss, damage or claim whatsoever arising from any failure on the part of the Service Provider, its employees, agent or contractors to provide the service, nor does the Service Provider accept liability for the failure of the equipment provided or the loss of the service due to the loss of any electrical supply or the failure of the telephone provider facilities.
Consent to Data Processing
Acceptance of the terms of this Agreement will result in personal information being stored by the Service Provider. Such data will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The information supplied may be disclosed to other health and social care providers for the purpose of delivering the service and protecting the vital interest of the Client.
All persons about whom such information is held, may request to see the information which is held about them that has been made available to the data controller. Also they may request to see the source of this data. To obtain this information, the Client should present their request in writing to the Service Provider.
The service is run in accordance with all regulations and legislation. There is a system to review this compliance periodically and as legislation changes. To this end, the Service Provider adheres to the policies for equality and diversity, privacy and confidentiality, health and safety of service users and staff and protection of vulnerable adults and children.